Monday 1 February 2016

Task 13 - Manipulation of Diegetic Time and Space

Diegetic means that it has something to do with the world of text, such as storylines and speech and non-diegetic is the opposite.

Time manipulation is very important in move editing as it can show a lot of meaning for simple things, such as when a character experiences a flashback or flashforward. Time is paused in the real world whilst the character experiences another time tense. Time can also be manipulated to show that locations have changed as time has passed by or it is used to actually slow time down or speed it up in films.

Time is usually altered in movies to try and make the audience understand how a character is feeling at that given point in time. Usually when time is slowed down it means that the character is experiencing a lot of adrenaline or is having a lot of fast thoughts at once whilst trying to decide something and when it is sped up, they are most likely just letting life flow around them as they could be recovering from a serious wound (like in the game Wolfenstein: The New Order when Captain Blazkowicz is in a hospital recovering from a head injury) or as they travel back in time such as in the Harry Potter films.

Colour can also be manipulated as well. Filters can be applied to films to give them a different look or to make them visually appropriate to the sequence that is being displayed. The Matrix films did that throughout the films. When Neo was in the Matrix itself, there would be a slight green filter applied to make it seem like a simulation of life, and when he was in the "real world" then there would be a slight yellow filter applied to make it look slightly more realistic.

Colour saturation can also be changed to give a scene more or less colour to enhance what is going on in the sequence. A scene in which people are in a graveyard or something similar are more likely to look gloomy and grey. This is because of the mixture of colour saturation, filters and pathetic fallacy which is used to compliment the feelings of the film that are currently being displayed. An example would be that happy scenes are most likely to be in a happy and sunny world where a grim and dark scene would be set on a rainy and dull day.

For our own experimentation with the manipulation of time and space, me and my group recorded our own video in which we tried to speed up the world around Jessica to make it seem as if she was experience time sped up more than everyone else.

The video was quite good. We didn't expect Jess to have robotic movements, however, so it made her look like a robot moving around, but it worked really well. One scene didn't work for me very well though, which was the reading scene. I wanted to put an emphasis on the clock more by enhancing it's detail but I couldn't manage to do that and I'm pretty sure most people watching the video would not notice the clock hand moving really quickly.

We added a small twist at the end to make it seem as if Jess was just going through a derp phase and people didn't notice it until the end where everything goes back to a normal speed for Jessica and she freaks out slightly.

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